Friday, October 23, 2009

Starting Over

I got way behind on this blog, so I'm going to try again. As part of that, I've expanded the scope of the blog a bit. Rather than just discussing things that I read, I will also discuss technologies that I try. That should give me things to write about even when I haven't been able to read much in the field.

So, I just found a little website that allows one to make animated "movies" by simply choosing a scene (with characters), typing in dialog, and then making choices about camera position, gestures, movements, etc. Not being very creative type, I doubt that I will produce the next Schindler's List with it, but I'm starting to try it for developing short explanations of Instructional Design and other concepts. Well, "explanations" might be the wrong word. Perhaps "demonstrations" would be better. I'm trying to find ways that would show students how individual concepts work in practice. I'll probably go for the paid version ($40 per year) so that I can have more options: more than two characters, new scenes, and so on. Oh, the whole thing is at

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